Be obscure clearly.  ~E.B. White 

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Beloved Friends

My Beloved Friends.

You keep time heavy on your toes;
I will keep it on my thigh.
I will bend to your melody.
I watch for the parting of your lips,
Waiting for the time to force this breath from gut.

I  begged for love,
When it was already at my feet.
Something big was lost in my head and found in their hands.
Life comes in Your way.

Childish hope has made me weep.
My cheeks covered my eyes,
My knees could not keep from swinging.
My blankets fluttered from my joyous feet.
Heartless choices, crinkled my forehead.

I say to myself, this
Is the day my heart will be made well. 
Restoration of love is a thing to be in awe of!
What comes with time, might be made full in a moment.