Be obscure clearly.  ~E.B. White 

Friday, October 26, 2012


We made a mess of ourselves,
Kept warm in it.
Slept in unkempt beds,
Stained sheets and covered feathers.
What deceitful warmth,
The comfort of unclean rest.

He has made our baths to run clean
We pull ourselves into our innocent state,
Cut are cuticles back to our meaty flesh,
Our knees make a way back our beginnings.

Fall three times to the bottom,

Let every part be touched by our collection of Hope.
Each time feels like something has been lost,
Each time feels like something has come back to life;
Something we never new had left us,
though we needed and lacked.
We bless Him who called us to this immersion. 

"Blessed are You, Adonai, Ruler of the Universe, Who has sanctified us with this Mikvah and commanded us concerning immersion."

"Blessed are You, God, Majestic Spirit of the Universe, Who makes us holy by embracing us in living waters."

"Blessed are You, Source of all Life, Who has kept us alive and sustained us, and enabled us to reach this day."

He made our mouths to sooth the hearts of many.
Our hands have become like swaddling clothes to His people.
He humbles us with our own words,
With His placement of them on our tongues.
We have become His work.
A contrast to the wanting of his will.

How than shall we love?
Should we place hope in things our father has not;
Our faith in the works of our hearts.
Do we leave these longings and desires to our own minds?
What kind of love is this?
What is love but the acknowledgment of worth, inherent,
Given to us by our maker.
Love should be found in us,
The best and the worst should be welcomed as one

1 comment:

  1. "We have become his Work.
    A contrast to the wanting of his will."

    I love that. May it be so.
